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At Voimatel, we're committed to building a future-ready world, one connection at a time. We always value hearing from our customers and are always ready to help. Reach out to us today—let's shape the future of connectivity together.

Wave pattern

Office Address
Microkatu 1, K-rappu,
70210 Kuopio

Tel0290 222 111
Email: etunimi.sukunimi(at)

Control Room
24h customer support
Tel: 0440 400 401

  • troubleshooting coordination
  • emergency cable screens
  • normal cable screens primarily dealt with via email: kaabelinnaytto(at)

Billing Address
Voimatel Oy, PL 8191, 02066 DOCUSCAN
Social security number: 1703917-1

Contact our team

Transfer of electricity

Data network

Network operation and control room services, system support services

Boftel (Viro)


OptiWatti myynti

029 1701 007


Peltisepänpolku 4, 80400 Ylämylly

Asematie 9-11, 40800 Vaajakoski

Joukahaisenkatu 6, 67900 Kokkola

Takojantie 9, 48220 Kotka

Microkatu 1, K-rappu, 70210 Kuopio (Head Office)
Sahakatu 1, 70800 Kuopio

Kymijärvenkatu 5, 15300 Lahti

Tullitie 8 A 2, 53500 Lappeenranta
Myllymäenkatu 15 B, 53500 Lappeenranta

Rasivainiontie 6, 90440 Kempele

Isojoenrannantie 89, 28240 Pori

Kuninkaanväylä 35 C, 20320 Turku

Hitsaajantie 2, 26820 Rauma

Tehdaskylänkuja 4, 11710 Riihimäki

Varikkotie 6, 96100 Rovaniemi

Jousipakkaväylä 1, 60100 Seinäjoki

Jasperintie 270 C, 33960 Pirkkala

Mustasaarentie 440, 65610 Mustasaari

Kolamiilunkuja 1, 01730 Vantaa

VANTAA (Voimatel Oy ja OptiWatti Oy)
Vantaanpuistontie 31, 01730 Vantaa

Kierretie 20 B, 01650 Vantaa

Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Pärnu mnt 139e/13, 11317

Billing information

Things to note about invoices sent by email:

  • The header information of the email must contain the text “INVOICE” and the customer’s PL number as shown below in Finnish or English
  • LASK, PL 8191 or INVOICE, P.O.Box 8191
  • The invoice attached to the email must be in PDF format
  • One attachment may only contain one invoice
  • All invoice pages must be included in the same file
  • One invoice cannot be divided into several emails or attachments
  • As a rule, payment reminders are not scanned (the TEAPPSXML and Finvoice interfaces have the option of receiving scanned payment reminders with your own invoice type)
  • Any text in the text section of the email message will not be taken into account when processing the invoice

Purchase Invoices

We are automating the processing of purchase invoices and as a result we are gradually introducing purchase orders. In the purchase invoice message, the purchase order number information must be in the Finvoice/InvoiceDetails/OrderIdentifier field (Finvoice 2.01 version);

<OrderIdentifier>Purchase order number</OrderIdentifier>
  • The purchase order number is a running number (five or six characters) and must not contain extra characters
  • If the customer has not provided a purchase order number but a work order number to which the invoice is assigned, then the work order number must be preceded by a TT text, for example: “TT1234”
  • In addition to the purchase order or work order number, the invoice must have the customer’s name

More information

Billing instructions

Invoices sent to us must fill in the mandatory invoice entries according to § 209 b of the Value Added Tax Act.
Section 209 b of the Value Added Tax Act contains a list of mandatory invoice entries, which are:

  • date of issue of invoice
  • running identifier
  • seller’s VAT identifier (Y-identifier)
  • the buyer’s VAT identifier in situations of reversed tax liability and community trade. Voimatel Oy is, in accordance with AVL 8 c § 1 subsection 1, a business operator that sells construction services other than occasionally, to which the law on reversed VAT liability in the construction sector applies as a buyer since April 1, 2011, so in situations of reversed VAT liability for construction services, the invoices must be marked “Buyer: y-identifier 1703917-1 is liable for tax”
  • name and address of seller and buyer
  • quantity and nature of goods and scope and nature of services
  • date of delivery of goods, date of performance of services or date of advance payment
  • tax base by tax rate and unit price without tax and refunds and discounts (if not in the unit price)
  • tax rate
  • amount of tax to be paid
  • basis of tax-free or inverted tax liability (e.g. in situations of inverted tax liability for construction services, invoices must be marked “VAT § 8 c inverted tax liability” and the invoice does not indicate the amount of value added tax)
  • in the change invoice, a reference to the previous invoice

You can find out more information:

More information is provided by:
Netta Ylikärppä, financial administration assistant, tel. 044 793 9880
Anne Tukiainen, accountant, tel. 044 793 0215

Thanking you for your cooperation,