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Ericsson awarded Voimatel as a responsible partner / Ericsson

Ericsson awarded Voimatel as a responsible partner

Voimatel is the first Finnish service provider to receive Ericsson’s Supplier Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility Award. This award was the result of long-term work for occupational safety and quality as well as overall sustainability together with high-quality deliveries and good co-operation.

“Because of Voimatel’s strong commitment to occupational health and safety, they have not had accidents at work for a long time. Voimatel’s strong focus on occupational health and safety issues not only guarantees safe working practices for the personnel but also promotes effective business. This supports Ericsson’s business and occupational safety goals,” Ericsson reports on the key factors behind the award.

Seppo Murisoja, Sourcing Business Partner, and Mauri Siltala, Customer Operations Manager, from Ericsson commend the active interaction:

“Joint efforts to improve occupational safety and promote project efficiency have enabled many successful customer projects.”


“Joint efforts to improve work safety and promote project efficiency have enabled many successful customer projects.”

Seppo Murisoja, Sourcing Business Partner
Mauri Siltala, Customer Operations Manager