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Reliable electrical substation maintenance with effective cooperation / Lappeenrannan Energiaverkot

Reliable electrical substation maintenance with effective cooperation

The professionalism, comprehensive expertise, and swift responsiveness of Voimatel guarantee the critical function reliability of Lappeenrannan Energiaverkot.

Lappeenrannan Energiaverkot Oy is responsible for the transmission of energy and water to its customers, as well as maintaining and developing the energy and water networks. The company has several substations that ensure the safety of the energy network and maintain its reliability. They need to work without disruption. This is where Lappeenrannan Energiaverkot relies on the expertise of Voimatel.

Voimatel has maintained the substations of Lappeenrannan Energiaverkot since 2014. The cooperation began with the equipment maintenance of the 10-20-kilovolt power grid, and light capacity for fault management. The service contract was expanded in 2019 to include, for example, maintenance for the 110-kilovolt equipment and relay testing. Voimatel’s responsibilities in the contract signed in the beginning of 2022 consist of 1-20 and 110-kilovolt substation maintenance and repair work. The contract contains circuit breaker and disconnector maintenance, transformer inspection and load tap changer maintenance, as well as oil analysis. Additionally, relay testing between 1kV-110kV, thermal imaging, power balance system maintenance and testing, as well as fault repair and disruption reporting services are included in the contract.

“Over the years, the cooperation has grown to cover the maintenance and repair of all our substation equipment. The foundation of this cooperation is mutual trust. We appreciate the professionalism and comprehensive expertise of Voimatel”, says Jarno Kähö, Construction Manager at Lappeenrannan Energiaverkot.

The guarantee of undisrupted power supply and distribution in the critical functions of Lappeenrannan Energiaverkot is extremely important. Power supply reliability demands continuous maintenance and swift fault repairs.

“As a local operator, Voimatel is able to meet our needs quickly. Their reactions to various fault situations have been excellent, which is important to us”, Kähö stresses.

The new partnership contract is valid until the end of 2024, including an option for two additional years. According to Kähö, Voimatel offered the best overall service package.

“The price is not the sole decisive criterion, but also effective cooperation and Voimatel’s ability to evolve affected the decision-making. Voimatel was also able to meet our terms in reacting to fault situations.”

“Over the years, the cooperation has grown to cover the maintenance and repair of all our substation equipment. The foundation of this cooperation is mutual trust. We appreciate the professionalism and comprehensive expertise of Voimatel.”

Jarno Kähö, Construction Manager
Lappeenrannan Energiaverkot