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Voimatel is MPY’s trusted partner in the building of better broadband connections

Voimatel is MPY’s trusted partner in the building of better broadband connections

Voimatel and MPY work together to build high-speed wired broadband networks. A four-year project in Varkaus is underway with a third year of construction about to begin. At the end of 2017, a two-year project was completed in Juva. Multimillion-euro projects have progressed on schedule, and the Juva project was finished with time to spare. Since 2014, a number of joint projects have been completed providing fast and modern telecommunications for everyone.

Virtually all properties in Juva were equipped with optical fibre and the commissioning was carried out by Voimatel. A total of about 100 km of cable was installed underground. In the same connection, municipal street light cables and Järvi-Suomen Energia’s electrical cables were installed in the centre of Juva. The Järvi-Suomen Energia component was added to the project when excavation work was already in progress.

– Increasing telecommuting, versatile cable TV and entertainment services as well as health and wellness services call for the capacity that optical fibre can provide now and for at least the next 50 years. Cabling and installation solutions for such a long period must also be of high quality and expert workmanship, and that is where Voimatel excels, says Jukka Lampinen, Network Manager at MPY.

– In Juva, we installed medium and small voltage cables in the same trenches where MPY installed optical fibre to avoid unnecessary digging of new trenches in the future. The job had a very tight schedule and Voimatel, as MPY’s contractor, managed this challenge in a very flexible manner. Working together, the cable installation went well and the project was a success despite the challenging timetable,” adds Jani Siltala, Network Engineer at Järvi-Suomen Energia.

Veikko Mikkonen, Sales Manager at Voimatel, tells that the Juva project, which lasted about 2 years, was completed in December 2017. It was a large project with on-the-fly changes throughout the project. Despite the challenging timetable, joint cabling was successfully carried out by Voimatel’s electricity and telecommunications network specialists.

– We were able to respond quickly to changes in the project and managed to complete it ahead of time. We have excellent subcontracting partners and the whole chain works ‘seamlessly together’, Mikkonen comments on the reasons behind their success and gives credit to all who contributed to the project.

During the four-year project in Varkaus, an optical fibre network covering virtually the entire city centre will be built. Now that the project is halfway complete, the already built-up network is larger than what was originally agreed.

 – What makes this project challenging, however, is the fact the new network is built in the middle of the city’s old network. When the cable trenches are excavated, the cables must fit into the existing network. When streets are opened in urban environments, the residents and traffic must be considered as far as possible, project manager Erkki Heiskanen from Voimatel explains.

Voimatel and MPY have joined forces in big projects since 2014. Working together, they have built broadband access in the municipalities of Mäntyharju and Puumala and parts of the Pieksämäki city. Co-operation between Voimatel and MPY has been seamless.

Lampinen emphasizes that knowledge sharing and effective communication are key to both network construction and customer connections. That is how things go smoothly and customers get access to services at the agreed time. Meetings and communication with Voimatel go well, all parties are kept up to date and everyone is aware of the progress made in the project and the timetable requirements.

– When building broadband networks, the plans may change, even in the final stages, as customers place last-minute orders for connections. Voimatel and its subcontractors have managed to respond well to changes in plans, and things have progressed as scheduled despite the changes, Jukka Lampinen elucidates the co-operation.

– The aim has always been to fit on-the-fly changes within the project’s overall timetable. We want to be flexible and worthy of trust by customers, says Mikkonen.


“Increasing telecommuting, versatile cable TV and entertainment services as well as health and wellness services call for the capacity that optical fibre can provide now and for at least the next 50 years. Cabling and installation solutions for such a long period must also be of high quality and expert workmanship, and that is where Voimatel excels.”

Jukka Lampinen, Network Manager