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Voimatel provides charging points for electric cars / Savon Voima

Voimatel provides charging points for electric cars

The number of cars using electricity will increase in the future. The goal is to halve traffic emissions between 2005 and 2030, and electric cars play a key role in achieving this goal. The increasing number of electric cars, in turn, requires a network of charging points for electric cars.


– We have extended our electricity network operations to include the supply and installation of charging points for electric cars. We can supply charging points as a turnkey solution. The service covers the planning, construction and deployment of electric car charging points,” adds Harri Smolander, Service and Production Manager at Voimatel.

The first steps to implement this service were taken last autumn when Savon Voima chose Voimatel as its partner to build electric car charging points.

– We have planned, constructed and deployed quick and standard charging points at Matin ja Liisan Asema in Lapinlahti and at the Rautalampi Municipal Hall as well as a standard charging point equipped with a 55” screen at Piazza Tahko in Tahkovuori. We also set up two standard charging points in front of the Savon Voima headquarters and one charging point at Vesileppis in Leppävirta. The power rating of our quick charging points is 50 kW, and that of our standard charging points, 22 kW,” describes Voimatel’s distribution network installer Arto Paavilainen as he lists the sites of charging points.

Savon Voima wants to anticipate future needs and support the growing number of electric cars in Finland as well as assist in the development of low-emission traffic solutions. The charging points that are scheduled for construction this year will make it possible to travel throughout the county.

– We want to offer our customers energy-efficient products and services while focussing on renewable energy and the environment, says Jere Anttalainen, an expert at Savon Voima.

– We will expand our range of services to cover not only public charging points but also charging points at private houses, housing companies, businesses and organisations. Pioneering companies have a chance to join us in the construction of charging points,” Anttalainen adds.

Anttalainen commends past cooperation.

– Co-operation with Voimatel has been very smooth and interactive. Voimatel’s prior experience in the construction of electricity networks and solar power systems has also been an asset in the construction of charging points for electric cars. This shows in their willingness to be of service and their high quality of work.

Voimatel invests in the promotion of smart electricity network services and, in addition to supplying charging points with electricity, their current focus is on the development of services for solar power, demand response and energy storage.


“Co-operation with Voimatel has been very smooth and interactive. Voimatel’s prior experience in the construction of electricity networks and solar power systems has also been an asset in the construction of charging points for electric cars. This shows in their willingness to be of service and their high quality of work.”

Jere Anttalainen, Specialist
Savon Voima Oyj